SOUND – before words, before music. Ore comes before metal, sounds come before music.
Iron Sky – Part One – by Jeff Reilly and Jerry Granelli
Iron Sky is Iron Ore – ore beaten into shapes that make sounds, sounds that are beaten into music, music that is beaten into compositions, compositions that are reformed, remade, recycled, and burned into the ethereal air……
Iron Sky is the renowned electro-acoustic percussionist Jerry Granelli, a master of music made in the moment on anything that can be struck. And Jeff Reilly, a rising star and master improviser on the Bass Clarinet. Iron Sky is the sound sculptures and performance imagination of sculptor John Little.
Iron Sky – Part Nine by Jeff Reilly and Jerry Granelli
Iron sky was created by Jerry Granelli and Jeff Reilly specifically for the sculptures of John Little. It is both a complete performance work and a CD.
What a joy it is for all three to make sounds that have never been heard before……