Sanctuary to play in Salem, Oregon

Sanctuary is playing a concert on Sunday, April 1st in Salem, Oregon. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church is presenting us in a special concert as part of their Palm Sunday observations.
It will require a special trip right across the continent for us – from the east coast to the west, but I am sure it will be worth the effort! We will be playing music appropriate for pre-Easter contemplation. In the Christian tradition, this is a period of inner reflection. Sanctuary plans on playing some of favourite chant based repertoire for this event. One of the pieces we will play is my composition Creatures of Infinite Grace, based on an 8th century Agnus Dei from the Latin Mass:
Creatures of Infinite Grace, by Jeff Reilly
This version is for bass clarinet and string orchestra, and in Salem, Oregon it will be for bass clarinet, cello and pipe organ. Nevertheless you get a sense of how suspended and contemplative we expect this concert to be.